Only dialogue is a guarantee for the people of the Jazira to preserve coexistence and civil peace

The Jazira community was not far from the repercussions of the ongoing war for the consecutive 10th year, in light of the clogging of the prospects of the political solution which greatly affected its social and economic structure, and caused the emergence of many barriers regarding communication among residents with the various identities to discuss their public affairs away from the war diaries and politics interactions. 

The last week of the activities of the (Bayt al-Jazira – Mala Cizîrê – ܒܝܬܐ ܕܓܖܪܬܐ) project included the political dialogue through the weekly broadcast that was organized in the city of (Qamishlo/Qamishli/ܙܐܠܝܢ), with the presence of representatives of civil organizations, politicians, opinion leaders, social and tribal figures of Kurds, Arabs, Syriacs and Yazidis.  

The closing week started with organizing several visits to a number of party headquarters with the presence of the facilitators of the sessions in the two cities of Hasakah and Qamishlo. The beginning was a meeting with Salah Hasan, member of the Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekîtî) at the party’s headquarters in Hasakah, who emphasized that the Autonomous Administration represents the best form of rule for the Jazira region which is distinguished by its ethnic, religious and even political diversity, as this form guarantees effective and fair representation of all communities.   

The second meeting was with Faris Osman, member of the Central Committee of the Kurdish Progressive Democratic Party in Syria (Pêşverû), at the party headquarters in al-Siyahi neighborhood in (Qamishlo/Qamishli/ܙܐܠܝܢ), who emphasized the party’s participation in defending all the communities of the Jazira region during the war on the city of (Sere Kaniye/Ras al-Ain) in 2012, noting to the suitability of the Autonomous Administration system with the nature of the Jazira’s multiple society, with an emphasis on developing the social structure of this system in line with the size of the difficulties facing the population in light of the complexities of the general Syrian scene.  

There were also visits to other parties in the city of Qamishlo/Qamishli.

WhileDawoud Dawoud, official of the Assyrian Democratic Organization, said that the organization succeeded in allying with several Arab and Kurdish political forces to confront, what he called, sedition, such as the organization’s alliance with the Kurdish National Council in Syria and with some Arab tribes. He noted the remarkable and important role that the parties played in preserving civil peace and raising awareness of the importance of preserving coexistence.   

The same thing was confirmed by Mohsen Taher, member of the Political Bureau of the Kurdish National Council-affiliated Kurdistan Democratic Party-Syria (PDKS), who said: “The party’s struggle was not limited to the Kurds only, but we defended the rights of all communities, and we are always working to consolidate coexistence, which is now in a much better position than it was before 2011.”   

The organization’s team also visited the Yazidi House in the village (Qezla Jokh) in the countryside of Amuda, and met with Elias Sido, member of the House, who indicated that the post-2011 period brought more rapprochement among communities and minorities, especially in the Jazira region, as all communities held together in the face of the extremist organizations that failed to break the cohesion of the people of the region.  

At the end of the dialogue week, the organization’s team organized a weekly live broadcast session with the participation of many social actors, opinion leaders, representatives of civil society organizations and political parties. All of them emphasized the clogging of the prospects for a general political solution to the ongoing conflict in the country, which requires the people of the Jazira to seriously take the outcome of the events and circumstances into consideration, and emphasize on the importance of promoting the values of coexistence and civil peace through continuous dialogue, bridging viewpoints, and accepting each other, in a way that guarantees the representation of all and achieve their aspirations in building a better future.  

The society of the Jazira, with its Kurds, Arabs, Syriacs, Yazidis and others, represents the true incubator for all its people, regardless of national, religious, intellectual, cultural and political differences. This diversity represents the safety valve that preserves the right of everyone to express their views freely and transparently regardless of the exceptional circumstances afflicting the country.

On this basis, there is an inevitable need to conduct a transparent and clear dialogue among the various communities to propose different views and hopes in search for a real way out and to push the wheel of the future forward. 

The (Bayt al-Jazira – Mala Cizîrê – ܒܝܬܐ ܕܓܖܪܬܐ) project launched by (GAV) organization at the beginning of last August, is an attempt to celebrate and promote cultural differences as a fundamental pillar in building and preserving civil peace and sustainable coexistence, and enhancing societal cohesion factors through deepening knowledge of the communities with each other and opening unconventional channels of communication among them. 


 Giftûgo jiyan û aşîtiya navxweyî ya gelê Cizîrê misoger dike

Gelê Cizîrê ne dûrî encamên şerê ku ev deh sal in dirêj dike, bûn. Di dema ku asoyên çareseriya siyasî girtîne. vê yekê bandoreke mezin li binesaziya civakî û aborî kir, her wiha gelek bend di rêya gihandina gel ji hev re ji bo ku rewşa hev dûrî rewşên şer û pevçûnên siyasî giftûgo bikin, derxist .  

Heftiya dawî ya projeya mala Cizîrê ji para giftûgoya siyasî bû, di rêya xeleka weşana zindî de, xelek bi amedebûna hejmarek ji nûnerên rêxistinên sivîl, siyasetmedar, biryardar û kesayetên civakî û êlê ji Kurd, Ereb, Suryan û Êzîdiyan li Qamişlo hat birêxistinkirin. 

Heftiya dawî bi hejmarek ji serdanan hat birêxistinkirin, serdana ji bo hejmarek navendên partiyan bi amedebûna birêveberê civînê li bajarê Hesekê û Qamişlo hatin kirin. Hevdîtina yekem bi endamê dezgeha partiya demokratîk a kurd li Sûriya (Yekîtî) Selah Hesen li navenda partiyê ya Hesekê bû. Birêz saleh tekez kir ku sîstema rêveberiya xweser sîstema herî guncaw li Cizîrê ye, ji ber rengerengiya  pêkhate, olî û siyasî li cizîrê, ev reng nûnertiyeke pratîk û wekhev ji pêkhateyan re dike.

di hevdîtina duyem de, tîma navendê bi endamê komîteya navendî ya partiya demokratîk pêşverû ya Kurd li Sûrya Faris Osman re, li navenda bajarê Qamişlo  kir. Tevlîbûna partiyê di berevaniya pêkahateyên Cizîrê di şerê 2012’an ê li ser bajarê Serêkaniyê tekez kir, her wiha sîstema rêveberiya xweser ya guncaw ji xwezaya civaka Cizîrê re destnîşan kir. Birêz Faris tekezî li ser pêşkêşkirina  binesaziyek civakî ya vê sîstemê li gor  astengiyên gel di nav rewşa Sûryê de kir. 

Di nav vê heftiyê de, tîmê serdana gelek aliyên din li qamişlo/ Elqamişlî kir.

Berpirsyarê rêxistina Aşûrî’’ Dawid Dawid’’ di hevdîtinekê de got: rêxistin di hevpeymanên bi hêzên siyasî yên Erebî û Kurdî  ji bo rûbirûkirin fitnê  biser ket, wek hevpeymana bi encûmena niştîmanî ya Kurdî û hin êlên Erebî. Her wiha rola giringiya partiyan di parastina aşîtiya navxweyî û bilindkirina têgihiştinê di derbarê jiyana hevbeş anî ziman. 

Di heman mijarê de endamê siyasî di partiya demokratîk ya kurdistanê (PDKS) ya di bin siya encûmena niştîmanî ya Kurdî Muhsin Tahir ev yek tekez kir û got:’’ têkoşîna partiyê ne tenê di derbarê Kurdan de ye, me berevaniya mafên hemû pêkhateyan kir, em tim hewl didin ku jiyana hevbeş ya giring di rewaşa niha de bidin pêş ji ber pêwîstiya wê ji 2011’an pirtir e’’

Tîma rêxistinê serdana mala Êzîdî ya li gundê (Qezla Çox ) li gundewarê Amûdê kir, hevdîtin bi endamê malê Ilyas Sîdo re kir, Sîdo destnîşan kir ku dema piştî sala 2011’an gelek nêzîkatî di navbera pêkhatiyan de bi taybet li Cizîrê çêbû, hemû pêkhateyan bi hev re şerê rêxistinên çete ya ku di hilweşandina hevgirtina zarokên Cizîrê de têkçû, kir.

Ji bo ku heftiya giftûgoyan bi dawî bikin, tîma rêxistinê xeleka weşana zindî amede kir, di xelekê de gelek çalakvanên civakî, biryardar, nûnerên rêxistinên civaka sivîl û partiyên siyasî beşdar bûn. Hemû beşdaran tekezî bi girtina asoyên siyasî ji çareseriya siyasî ya şerê welat re kir, ji ber vê yekê divê hemwelatiyên Cizîrê bi awayekî cedî li ser rewş û bûyeran rawestin û nirxên jiyana hevbeş û aşîtiya navxweyî bi rêya giftûgoyan berdewam bikin, nîzîkbûna nerîn û pêşwazîkirina aliyên din bi rengekî ku nûnertiya hemûyan bike û armancên wan di avakirina pêşerojek baş de pêk bînin, bikin.

Ji ber ku pêkhateyên Cizîrê Kurd, Ereb, Suryan û Êzîdî zemînekê rast ji zarokên xwe re berdest dikin, bê ku cêwaziyên olî, netewî, hizrî,çandî û siyasî ber çavan bigirin. Ev rengerengî  wek rêya ewlehiyê ya ku parastina mafê her kesî di dana nêrîna wan bi awayekî azad û zelal dike, dûrî rewşên awerte yên ku bi ser bajar ve tên.

Li ser vê bingehê  tu çare ji bilî pêkanîna giftûgoyeke zelal di navbera pêkhateyan de tune, ji bo nerînên cuda û hevî ji çareseriya rast re werin pêşkêşkirin, da ku çerxa pêşerojê bi pêş ve bidin.

Projeya mala Cizîrê ya ku rêxistina GAV di tebaxa derbasbûyî de dest pê kiribû, hewldaneke ji bo pîrozkirina cêwaziyê çandî û pêşxistina wê ji ber bingeha cewherî ya parastina aşîtî û jiyana hevbeş ya domdar e, her wiha pêşxistina hevgirtina civakî di rêya kurkirina têgihiştina pêkhatiyan ji hev re û vekirina kenalên kilasîk di navbera wan de.

عضو المكتب السياسي في الحزب الديمقراطي الكردستاني (PDKS)، محسن طاهر - GAV
عضو المكتب السياسي في الحزب الديمقراطي الكردستاني (PDKS)، محسن طاهر – GAV
لقاء مع عضو اللجنة المركزية للحزب الديمقراطي التقدمي الكردي - فارس عثمان - GAV
لقاء مع عضو اللجنة المركزية للحزب الديمقراطي التقدمي الكردي – فارس عثمان – GAV
لقاء مع مسؤول المنظمة الآثورية، داود داود، في القامشلي - GAV
لقاء مع مسؤول المنظمة الآثورية، داود داود، في القامشلي – GAV
عضو حزب الاتحاد الديمقراطي - خالد عمر - GAV
عضو حزب الاتحاد الديمقراطي – خالد عمر – GAV